Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sam's first prayer by himself! Primeira oracao do Sam sozinho!

We are so proud! Friday night When Marcio said it was time for family prayer, Sam eagerly volunteered (we usually help by whispering to him) but when Marcio started helping, he shouted exitedly, "NO! I do it!". So here is his prayer, translated as he said it half in Portuguese:

Heavenly Father,
thank you Gina,
thank you trains,
Jesus Name

One aside, as much as we insist and tell him it's Amen, he still says "coming". He also pronounces Jesus as "Shoes". It's very cute!

Estamos super orgulhosos! Sexta-feira a noite quando o Marcio falou que era hora de oracao em familia, o Sam disse que queria fazer. Sempre ajudamos ele cochichando no ouvido, mas dessa vez ele anunciou que ELE queria fazer sozinho!
Entao eis a oracao do Sam aqui:

Papai Ceu
Obrigado Gina
Obrigado tchoo-tchoos (os trenzinhos dele)
Nome Jesus,

Ele insiste em falar coming ao invez de Amen! e muito engracado!