Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sam loves cake!

We're going to a baby shower tonight, but Sam was having a hard time going down for a nap, making determined exclamations that he did NOT want to go to sleep... But moms are sneaky. I told him we were going to a baby shower tonight, and that there was going to be cake and his friends, but he couldn't have it without having his nap first. So he immediately said, "OK!" turned over and fell asleep!

Hoje a noite vamos a um cha de bebe, mas o Samuel nao estava conseguindo relaxar para tirar a soneca dele, fazendo exclamacoes determinadas que ele NAO queria dormir de jeito nenhum!! mas mamaes sao danadas...avisei ele que iamos ter bolo e festa com os amigos, mas que ele nao poderia participar se nao tirar a soneca dele....ele prontamente falou "ta bom, mamae!" virou e dormiu!!

1 comment:

Bibi said...

Lindo este bolo! Sam tem bom gosto! hehe
Beijinhos, Isabela e Sabrina