Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The day Regina made the local newspaper!!

We got a huge Color picture on the front page of the local section!!!

O dia que A Regina saiu na capa do no Jornal local!
Tivemos uma foto enorme, colorida!


On a side note, Regina just got her first cold yesterday!! sniffle! But she's already getting over it.

A Regina teve o primeiro resfriado dela ontem! Mas ela ja esta melhorando.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Regina stood up by herself for the first time today!

Holding on to the sofa, of course...
here I caught her practicing her new skill on the stairs...

A Regina ficou em pe pela primeira vez hoje! Segurando no sofa, e claro...
Aqui peguei ela no flagra ensaiando o novo talento dela na escada...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cowgirl Regina

So I had a little too much fun playing dress-up with Regina...but who could resist? She's so cute!
That last picture I just threw in for the heck of it. I thought it was cute.

Me diverti demais brincando de boneca com a Regina, mas quem poderia resistir? Ela e linda demais! A Ultima foto coloquei por colocar...achei bonitinha!

Sam loves cake!

We're going to a baby shower tonight, but Sam was having a hard time going down for a nap, making determined exclamations that he did NOT want to go to sleep... But moms are sneaky. I told him we were going to a baby shower tonight, and that there was going to be cake and his friends, but he couldn't have it without having his nap first. So he immediately said, "OK!" turned over and fell asleep!

Hoje a noite vamos a um cha de bebe, mas o Samuel nao estava conseguindo relaxar para tirar a soneca dele, fazendo exclamacoes determinadas que ele NAO queria dormir de jeito nenhum!! mas mamaes sao danadas...avisei ele que iamos ter bolo e festa com os amigos, mas que ele nao poderia participar se nao tirar a soneca dele....ele prontamente falou "ta bom, mamae!" virou e dormiu!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More video links!

Sam playing with his trains on the dining room table

Sam playing with his basketball outside on a beautiful fall day October 22, 2007

Regina sitting outside on the grass October 22, 2007

playing outside October 23, 2007

What a beautiful fall day!
Que dia lindo de outono!

Regina running away

Stop taking pictures!!! I am NOT a doll...
Para de tirar fotos!!! eu NAO SOU boneca...

Fine, I'll just run...errr....crawl away as fast as I can.
Ta bom, entao, vou correr...quer dizer, engatinhar o mais rapido possivel para fugir!

Just some new October 2007 pictures

Regina looking exasperated with mommy taking too many pictures
Regina ficando cansada da mamae tirando fotos demais

Sam being charming
Samuel sendo charmoso

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Preparing for Halloween 2007
Nos preparando para o Dia Das Bruxas 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

These are Pictures of Sam trying to hook up Grampa's camping trailer to his little car....he got VERY angry that he couldn't tow it!!! It was very funny!!

Estas sao fotos do Samuel tentando colocar o trailer de acampar do Grampa dele no carrinho...ele ficou MUITO bravo que nao conseguiu "guinchar" o trailer!

September 2007 pictures....

I cut all my hair off
Cortei todo meu cabelo

Regina is wearing her pretty new dress
Regina esta usando o vestido lindinho e novo dela

Sam drinking a hot chocolate on a cold day
Sam tomando um chocolate quente num dia frio

So We had the missionaries over for dinner on October 10, 2007...Sam very cutely said the prayer (with help and prompting of course) but I just wanted to post a few of Sams new Language adventures...

He insists on Calling the Elders "Elmos"...and when saying his prayer, he ended with "in the name of Shoes, Coming. (I've tried to tell him it's AMEN, but he insists on saying Coming)

We recently went to Davis farmland again, complements of our local playgroup, and Sam had a BLAST!! It's a petting zoo and pick your own apple orchard....Sam is afraid of the animals!! LOL but he LOVES the playground.

Regina loves watching all the action. She's getting to be a big girl! She was weighed and measured yesterday at WIC clinic, and she is 20 lbs and 29 inches long! (she will be 8 months old on Sunday, October 14th 2007)

She just crawled for the first time last night (Thursday, October 11, 2007)
she took for little cralwing steps!! Then sprawled on the floor and cried, giving up!! LOL it was cute.

Os missionarios jantaram aqui dia 10 de outubro...o Sam fez a oracao super bonitinho...mas ele termina aoracao falando "Em nome de Shoes, Coming"...eu insisto que e AMEN, mas ele me olha, e fala "Nao, mamae, COMING!".... Ele tambem chama os elderes de Elmos! (aquele boneco vermelho do Vila Sesamo)

Fomos mais uma vez no Davis Farmland, que e uma fazendinha com arvores de maca para o povo pegar suas proprias macas...o Sam morre de medo dos animais, mas AMA o playground!

A REgina ama olhar toda a acao....elka esta uma menina linda e grandona!! Vai fazer 8 meses Domingo, dia 14 de Outubro, e ja esta pesando 9 kilos e 90 gramas, e tem 73.7 cm de comprimento!!

A Regins tb engatinhou pela primeira vez ontem a noite, Quinta-Feira dia 11 de outubro!! Foi lindo demais!!