Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sam's Birthday Party! Festa de Aniversario do Sam!

Yesterday (Saturday, December 15, 2007) was Sam's Birthday party!
Here are the pictures:

Ontem (15 de dezembro 2007) foi festa de aniversario do Sam!

Aqui estao as fotos:

Saturday, December 8, 2007

We've moved again! Mudamos denovo!

We are still in Worcester. Marcio got a teaching job (we're very excited!) and we rented an apartment right near my parents. We spent Thanksgiving day and weekend moving. We had a lot of help from the Worcester Ward priesthood, Young men and Missionaries from 2 different wards. We are still surrounded by boxes. Unpacking with a baby who likes to hang onto mommy is proving difficult!

Nos ainda estamos em Worcester. O Marcio conseguiu um emprego numa escola publica, (e estamos super felizes!) e alugamos um apartamento pertinho da casa dos meus pais. Passamos o dia de Acao de Gracas e o final de semana apos mudando. Tivemos muita ajuda do Sacerdocio e jovens da Ala de Worcester, e de missionarios de 2 alas diferentes. Ainda estamos rodeados de caixas. Esta dificil abrir caixas e guardar as coisas com uma bebe pendurada na mamae!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Salt on Cereal? Sal no Cereal?

So Sam decided to put salt on his cereal this morning. I had turned my back to microwave my hot chocolate. When I looked, he was holding an empty salt shaker (yes he put ALL the salt on his cereal) and looking very proud of himself. So I told him to try his cereal. I will let your imagination run wild with the face he made. I'm pretty sure he won't forget how his cereal tasted!

Entao, hoje de manha o Sam decidiu colocar sal no cereal dele enquanto eu estava com as costas viradas, esquentando meu chocolate quente. Quando olhei, ele estava com o saleiro vazio (sim, esvaziou o saleiro inteiro no cereal dele!!) e ele estava com uma carinha de orgulhoso que fez algo sozinho!! Pedi para ele experimentar o cereal. Vou deixar sua imaginacao completar a imagem do rosto dele quando experimentou!! Acho que ele nunca vai esquecer disso!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Today is just one of those days

when you want to rip your hair out and run away screaming!!

Pay close attention to the's full of chocolate powder. Ugh. He wanted a hot chocolate and just couldn't wait for me to Lay Regina down (she was sleeping).

It's a darn good thing mother nature made kids cute, so we'd be decent to them when they are at their worst behavior!

Hoje e um daqueles dias....

em que gostaria de arrancar meus cabelos e sair correndo aos berros!!

Preste bem atencao no chao...esta cheio de Quick de chocolate. O Sam queria um chocolate quente mas nao pode esperar eu deitar a Regina (ela estava dormindo)... Ai, ai...

Ainda bem que a Mae natureza fez nossos filhos bonitinhos, para ter certeza que seriamos decentes com eles mesmo com o pior comportamente!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Regina's First Tooth!!

Regina cut her first tooth today! She bit my hand and I felt it!!
November 2, 2007

Nasceu o primeiro dente da Regina hoje!! ela mordeu a minha mao e eu senti!
2 de Novembro 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

After church pictures! October 28, 2007

Sam sitting with great grandmother "Biza" . October 2007

Sentado com a Biza Outubro 2007

Just some after church pictures because they are so cute!

So algumas fotos apos a igreja porque sao lindos demais!

Saturday October 27, 2007

Here are some pictures of us at a baby shower we went to on Saturday. Regina still loves the Sling, all 20 lbs of her!

Aqui estao algumas fotos nossas de um enxoval de bebe que fomos no Sabado que passou. A REgina ainda ama o Sling, mesmo pesando 9 kilos!

more Halloween 2007 Pictures!

Halloween 2007 Pictures!

Halloween 2007!!!

Last year Sam didn't go trick or treating...for several reasons...the main one being it was raining! Plus he refused to put on the costume.

But this year was completely different! He LOVED trick or treating! He had no problem ringing doorbells and saying "trick-or-treat", and even less of a problem taking candy!

At the end of the evening, he was so tired he could barely carry his pumpkin, and he was weaving around. Finally he asked me to go home, that he didn't want any more candy (gasp!)

Regina didn't get dressed up because it was pretty cold. I just stuck an angel tiara on her head, and it looked pretty cute! She actually looked more like an eskimo with a halo on her head than anything else.

We had a lot of fun, and I will post pictures soon.

Ano passado o Sam nao foi trick or treating por varias razoes...a principal sendo que estava chovendo!! E tb ele se recusou colocar a fantasia.

Mas este ano foi totalmente diferente! ele AMOU ir trick or treating! Ele nao teve problema algum tocando campanhias e dizendo "trick-or-treat!", e muito menos problema em aceitar doces!

No final da noite, ele estava tao cansadinho que nem conseguia mais carregar a abobora dele, e estava andando feito bebado, meio torto e tonto! Finalmente ele pediu para ir para casa, que ele nao queria mais doces!

Nao vestimos a Regina pq estava muito frio. Colocamos uma tiara de anjo na cabeca dela, mas ela estava mais pra eskimo do que qualquer outra coisa!!

Nos divertimos muito, e logo posto fotos!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The day Regina made the local newspaper!!

We got a huge Color picture on the front page of the local section!!!

O dia que A Regina saiu na capa do no Jornal local!
Tivemos uma foto enorme, colorida!

On a side note, Regina just got her first cold yesterday!! sniffle! But she's already getting over it.

A Regina teve o primeiro resfriado dela ontem! Mas ela ja esta melhorando.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Regina stood up by herself for the first time today!

Holding on to the sofa, of course...
here I caught her practicing her new skill on the stairs...

A Regina ficou em pe pela primeira vez hoje! Segurando no sofa, e claro...
Aqui peguei ela no flagra ensaiando o novo talento dela na escada...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cowgirl Regina

So I had a little too much fun playing dress-up with Regina...but who could resist? She's so cute!
That last picture I just threw in for the heck of it. I thought it was cute.

Me diverti demais brincando de boneca com a Regina, mas quem poderia resistir? Ela e linda demais! A Ultima foto coloquei por colocar...achei bonitinha!

Sam loves cake!

We're going to a baby shower tonight, but Sam was having a hard time going down for a nap, making determined exclamations that he did NOT want to go to sleep... But moms are sneaky. I told him we were going to a baby shower tonight, and that there was going to be cake and his friends, but he couldn't have it without having his nap first. So he immediately said, "OK!" turned over and fell asleep!

Hoje a noite vamos a um cha de bebe, mas o Samuel nao estava conseguindo relaxar para tirar a soneca dele, fazendo exclamacoes determinadas que ele NAO queria dormir de jeito nenhum!! mas mamaes sao danadas...avisei ele que iamos ter bolo e festa com os amigos, mas que ele nao poderia participar se nao tirar a soneca dele....ele prontamente falou "ta bom, mamae!" virou e dormiu!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More video links!

Sam playing with his trains on the dining room table

Sam playing with his basketball outside on a beautiful fall day October 22, 2007

Regina sitting outside on the grass October 22, 2007

playing outside October 23, 2007

What a beautiful fall day!
Que dia lindo de outono!

Regina running away

Stop taking pictures!!! I am NOT a doll...
Para de tirar fotos!!! eu NAO SOU boneca...

Fine, I'll just run...errr....crawl away as fast as I can.
Ta bom, entao, vou correr...quer dizer, engatinhar o mais rapido possivel para fugir!

Just some new October 2007 pictures

Regina looking exasperated with mommy taking too many pictures
Regina ficando cansada da mamae tirando fotos demais

Sam being charming
Samuel sendo charmoso

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Preparing for Halloween 2007
Nos preparando para o Dia Das Bruxas 2007