Wednesday, February 9, 2011

on February 21, 2010 we found out we were expecting baby # 3!

here are the pregnancy pictures!

weeks 11 - 19
11 weeks

15 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

20 weeks

Regina's 3rd birthday

Christmas 2009 video

Christmas 2009

Sam's 5th birthday 2009

August 2009

Sam & Regina riding trikes Sept 2009

May 2009


Sam's school June festival

Sam & Regina jumping around in their new room

Easter 2009

fixing up the fixer upper

just some pictures from October 2009

Holambra September 2009 2009

A yearly Dutch festival in the town of Holambra.
Notice even the pay phones are shapes like wooden shoes! very pretty, but WAY too crowded.

This is a funny picture. It was taken July 15, 2009, when we still lived in Louveira. Sam had been reprimanded and was mad at me, so he ran to his room (very dramatically) and hid under the bed. Then he fell asleep. I couldn't resist taking this picture.

just some pics from June 2009

When we got our doggies - June 2009

yeah, I know it was back in June 2009, but I'm trying to update my blog :)

In June 2009 we got 2 dogs. I just felt safer having 2 big dogs around. Their names are Serena (the bigger all black dog) and Ariel (the smaller, black and brown one) They are both girls, and very sweet.

Sam's birthday 2009

2009 in a nutshell

Sabo Blog Update

Lots has happened since my last blog post, which was Regina’s 2nd birthday! I’ll try to update as much as I can remember (and as much as I have time for)…

After Regina’s birthday, we started looking for a house to buy. We couldn’t afford the town we were living in, so we started looking elsewhere. It kind of worked out because Sam hated the school he was in, and Marcio worked really far away from the house we were renting.

My cousin Guty lived in Itatiba at the time (well, he still does) and told us it was very affordable, and a great place to live. So we started doing research. Excellent schools, excellent public health and some job opportunities for Marcio.

We looked at several houses in several neighborhoods, and this one seemed the best deal for the price, space and location. We needed something with 2 houses on the property, because my parents live with us half the year.

It was definitely a fixer-upper, but it is spacious and was what we could afford. We have since spent the entire time we have been living here “fixing it up”. We found a great handyman, who has become a good friend of ours. His daughter is in Sam’s class, and his wife is very nice. Their daughter, Andrielle, has become Regina’s best friend. They live only a couple houses away.

So we moved in July. Moving is so much fun…NOT! Poor Sam and Regina didn’t know what to think of all their possessions being boxed up. As much as we tried to explain it to them, they had a really hard time.

Once we got in the house and started unpacking, they were very relieved. We all piled in to one bedroom, and started organizing. I enrolled Sam in school for the next school year and the house has been an ongoing project.