Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sam's pregnancy & hospital pictures 2004

This is a video of Sam's pregnancy and hospital pictures. I know it's late in the naking, but I only started figuring out Window's Movie maker in the last couple of months!

Este video e da gravidez do Sam! Tambem tem as fotos do hospital. Sei que e meio atradaso, mas so agora descobri como usar window's Movie Maker!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So, we made cupcakes today!...Fizemos bolinhos hoje!

And I left them on the table (big mistake) I just checked on the kids (it was too quiet) and they had licked the frosting off all of them. April 15, 2008

E deixei eles em cima da mesa (grande erro) Fui ver o que estavam fazendo (estava quieto demais) e eles tinham lambido toda a cobertura de todos os cupcakes! ai, ai, ai!!
15 de abril 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

Videos April 10, 2008

Fotos April 10, 2008

Today Was a Beautiful day! about 62 F, and we walked to playgroup!

Hoje foi um dia Lindo! mais ou menos 15 Graus, e fomos andando para o grupo de brincar!